Posted at Saturday, August 8, 2009 ; 5:19 PM |

hellos..sry for just posting KH videos lately=x i wont post another video today.. ): and will post th things that happened this last 4days:D here it is..
Wed, 5th August 2009,
Today's PE.. ): boo.. i din make it on 2,4km run last time.. so i have to try it again D: sad.. i dunnoe whether i can make it or not today.. )': but i'll try my best and i got a mint candy with me=x JiaYou me and my other friend who failed! hahahs..xD
PE teacher: "okay now,, RUN!"
but i din run=x i keep walking as fast as i can.. but not running=x and then i ate th candy xD *walk walk walk walk* *breathe* *walk walk walk* blahblahblah and then~ time passes~
PE teacher: "hmm..your time is,, 17mins 20secs.."
WHEEEE~ that means i did it!:D no running!:D but exhausted! my leg paining! my head hurts! and im thirsty D: 10more secs and i wont make it.. phew.. good thing its over now(: time to back to my class..
Thu, 6th August 2009,
11.30am : Whee~ 2 more hours to go home!:D so happy:D but then......2 senpais came to my class.....they called some of us and told us to go to th basketball court..they scold us D: and they makes us stand there for 1 hours.. ): i hate school more now D:
Fri, 7th August 2009,
*sighs* its friday.. scout is today.. hate la.. ): and then at scout i got to do 10 times push ups too lor.. D: i hate hate hate school. but when i get home, i saw hester tag my blog n said that th SOTM results are out:D i din won th 1st / 2nd / 3rd,, but, i won th cutest award:D
Sat, 8th August 2009,
sheesh..i dont feel like going to school.. ): but my father dont let me to stay home. T_T my leg paining like hell. sad la D: so at school i din study much. i slept 2times there xD but then my teacher told me to just go home if i dont feel well. so i went home. :D and miss bbt is hosting another contest!:D its a best senctence contest. im not so good with words but, im joining:D
that is all. and,,submitted my 3rd skin btw. :D byebye.
Labels: ♥ th_LIFE ♥, clubs, stuffs♥