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Click for Navi Explanations Site opened since July 2009 Current layout used is Kuma-ed v1.0 There are currently views since November 15th 2009
Layout made by , Yours Truly. Click here to see more credits~
NoTitle. ;x
Posted at Saturday, August 29, 2009 ; 8:19 PM |
hey! :D dont feel like online-ing already. D; my head paining like hell. )':
anyways, yesterday's math test is so so soooo damn hard. i just hope i'll pass. D; unlike today's chemical test. not so hard. and im pretty sure i can pass. ;D
btw, i gort more gifts today. thanks to joey. ^________________________^
Posted at Thursday, August 27, 2009 ; 5:35 PM |
hellohs all. today i took 4 gifts from other blogger. =x
these are from zenghui. thanks to her. :D
this one is from hester. ThankYou. =)
the last one is from Janice. thankYou^^
and i made a button for bianca. (:
anyways, i got a math test tmr. sad. ): i hate math lorts! its so damn hard. =.= and i havent study also =x haha. just wish me luck, okay? ;x okay. end here. wan go study also. :'( bye.
Posted at Tuesday, August 18, 2009 ; 11:01 PM |
Lalala. I post so damn late today :\ i went Mapling so i forget to post =x Btw, tmr i will go home early:D Yay! School kinda boring lately. ): And sometime also too slack one. :\
and,,,, Happy National Day for all indonesians:D its yesterday, though. but i forgot to post just like today. =x JiaYou~ Hope this country will be much much muchhhh better than before xD
Posted at Wednesday, August 12, 2009 ; 10:12 PM |
hellohs ppl. 2 days didnt post anything here already. ): so yesterday my friend ask me to join his fam on audi. but, my com didnt got audi. need more RAM to play one. i will try to download again next month. i wan play audi again. sad. T_T
anyways, i gort submitted my senctence. =x
but its kinda weird and not funneh plus not good. heres the senctence : Little-Miss-Stubborn went to bikini bottom to meet her boss plankton, but when she get there, she didnt saw him anywhere and she realised that she was stepped on him, and mr krabs saw and laugh at it. TOO MANY 'AND's D:
and one video for today. :D i got th link from XinEn's blog. do visit her blog, kays? she want ppl who visit her blog to ask more peepo to visit her=x heres the video. (: its a funny video abt singapore. xD im not a singaporean but i like this video =x btw, do enjoy. ;D
Posted at Saturday, August 8, 2009 ; 5:19 PM |
hellos..sry for just posting KH videos lately=x i wont post another video today.. ): and will post th things that happened this last 4days:D here it is..
Wed, 5th August 2009,
Today's PE.. ): boo.. i din make it on 2,4km run last time.. so i have to try it again D: sad.. i dunnoe whether i can make it or not today.. )': but i'll try my best and i got a mint candy with me=x JiaYou me and my other friend who failed! hahahs..xD
PE teacher: "okay now,, RUN!"
but i din run=x i keep walking as fast as i can.. but not running=x and then i ate th candy xD *walk walk walk walk* *breathe* *walk walk walk* blahblahblah and then~ time passes~
PE teacher: "hmm..your time is,, 17mins 20secs.."
WHEEEE~ that means i did it!:D no running!:D but exhausted! my leg paining! my head hurts! and im thirsty D: 10more secs and i wont make it.. phew.. good thing its over now(: time to back to my class..
Thu, 6th August 2009,
11.30am : Whee~ 2 more hours to go home!:D so happy:D but then......2 senpais came to my class.....they called some of us and told us to go to th basketball court..they scold us D: and they makes us stand there for 1 hours.. ): i hate school more now D:
Fri, 7th August 2009,
*sighs* its friday.. scout is today.. hate la.. ): and then at scout i got to do 10 times push ups too lor.. D: i hate hate hate school. but when i get home, i saw hester tag my blog n said that th SOTM results are out:D i din won th 1st / 2nd / 3rd,, but, i won th cutest award:D
Sat, 8th August 2009,
sheesh..i dont feel like going to school.. ): but my father dont let me to stay home. T_T my leg paining like hell. sad la D: so at school i din study much. i slept 2times there xD but then my teacher told me to just go home if i dont feel well. so i went home. :D and miss bbt is hosting another contest!:D its a best senctence contest. im not so good with words but, im joining:D
that is all. and,,submitted my 3rd skin btw. :D byebye.
Posted at Sunday, August 2, 2009 ; 4:42 PM |
hello again fellas:D today th miss rainbow banner making contest's results are out(: i got th 2nd place agn^^
and,, i wan to post some more KH2 videos=x i wan post 6 videos but,, it'll make my page looks too long. i hate it. so, i think i'll just post 2 of them here(:
Posted at Saturday, August 29, 2009 ; 8:19 PM |
hey! :D dont feel like online-ing already. D; my head paining like hell. )':
anyways, yesterday's math test is so so soooo damn hard. i just hope i'll pass. D; unlike today's chemical test. not so hard. and im pretty sure i can pass. ;D
btw, i gort more gifts today. thanks to joey. ^________________________^
Posted at Thursday, August 27, 2009 ; 5:35 PM |
hellohs all. today i took 4 gifts from other blogger. =x
these are from zenghui. thanks to her. :D
this one is from hester. ThankYou. =)
the last one is from Janice. thankYou^^
and i made a button for bianca. (:
anyways, i got a math test tmr. sad. ): i hate math lorts! its so damn hard. =.= and i havent study also =x haha. just wish me luck, okay? ;x okay. end here. wan go study also. :'( bye.
Posted at Tuesday, August 18, 2009 ; 11:01 PM |
Lalala. I post so damn late today :\ i went Mapling so i forget to post =x Btw, tmr i will go home early:D Yay! School kinda boring lately. ): And sometime also too slack one. :\
and,,,, Happy National Day for all indonesians:D its yesterday, though. but i forgot to post just like today. =x JiaYou~ Hope this country will be much much muchhhh better than before xD
Posted at Wednesday, August 12, 2009 ; 10:12 PM |
hellohs ppl. 2 days didnt post anything here already. ): so yesterday my friend ask me to join his fam on audi. but, my com didnt got audi. need more RAM to play one. i will try to download again next month. i wan play audi again. sad. T_T
anyways, i gort submitted my senctence. =x
but its kinda weird and not funneh plus not good. heres the senctence : Little-Miss-Stubborn went to bikini bottom to meet her boss plankton, but when she get there, she didnt saw him anywhere and she realised that she was stepped on him, and mr krabs saw and laugh at it. TOO MANY 'AND's D:
and one video for today. :D i got th link from XinEn's blog. do visit her blog, kays? she want ppl who visit her blog to ask more peepo to visit her=x heres the video. (: its a funny video abt singapore. xD im not a singaporean but i like this video =x btw, do enjoy. ;D
Posted at Saturday, August 8, 2009 ; 5:19 PM |
hellos..sry for just posting KH videos lately=x i wont post another video today.. ): and will post th things that happened this last 4days:D here it is..
Wed, 5th August 2009,
Today's PE.. ): boo.. i din make it on 2,4km run last time.. so i have to try it again D: sad.. i dunnoe whether i can make it or not today.. )': but i'll try my best and i got a mint candy with me=x JiaYou me and my other friend who failed! hahahs..xD
PE teacher: "okay now,, RUN!"
but i din run=x i keep walking as fast as i can.. but not running=x and then i ate th candy xD *walk walk walk walk* *breathe* *walk walk walk* blahblahblah and then~ time passes~
PE teacher: "hmm..your time is,, 17mins 20secs.."
WHEEEE~ that means i did it!:D no running!:D but exhausted! my leg paining! my head hurts! and im thirsty D: 10more secs and i wont make it.. phew.. good thing its over now(: time to back to my class..
Thu, 6th August 2009,
11.30am : Whee~ 2 more hours to go home!:D so happy:D but then......2 senpais came to my class.....they called some of us and told us to go to th basketball court..they scold us D: and they makes us stand there for 1 hours.. ): i hate school more now D:
Fri, 7th August 2009,
*sighs* its friday.. scout is today.. hate la.. ): and then at scout i got to do 10 times push ups too lor.. D: i hate hate hate school. but when i get home, i saw hester tag my blog n said that th SOTM results are out:D i din won th 1st / 2nd / 3rd,, but, i won th cutest award:D
Sat, 8th August 2009,
sheesh..i dont feel like going to school.. ): but my father dont let me to stay home. T_T my leg paining like hell. sad la D: so at school i din study much. i slept 2times there xD but then my teacher told me to just go home if i dont feel well. so i went home. :D and miss bbt is hosting another contest!:D its a best senctence contest. im not so good with words but, im joining:D
that is all. and,,submitted my 3rd skin btw. :D byebye.
Posted at Sunday, August 2, 2009 ; 4:42 PM |
hello again fellas:D today th miss rainbow banner making contest's results are out(: i got th 2nd place agn^^
and,, i wan to post some more KH2 videos=x i wan post 6 videos but,, it'll make my page looks too long. i hate it. so, i think i'll just post 2 of them here(:
Cherrie ; Clicking this will take you to my profile.
Link ; Clicking on will display other's link.
Site ; Displays informations about the site.
ETC ; Other stuffs like clubs & collections.
Still confused? Mail me.
About Me
Often called cherrie in this Cyberworld, yet some people also call her aiko. A 15 years old girl who entered this world at 6th October 1994. Attached to Jenrya Lee.
Loves to play game and slack off everyday and everytime. She hate pizza, durian, and hamburgers and like it to eat something simple like, friedrice, chicken noodle, and snacks. Addicted to Persona and Digimon series.
A chinese who have spent her entire life at indonesia. Hates people who cheats when playing a game and exam/tests. Cheating is so lame.She's not good at talking.
Just talk much and she will talk much too. But if you keep quiet, she cant say anything also. Absolutely hates studying. And thinks that school sucks to the core. Love webdesigning, blogging, surfing the net, and get new friends.
Dont like copycats, ripper & spammer.
A new Layout for my blog. Submit more layouts to BS A Dog and i will name it Kuma Pass all subject on my exams Mid-semester exam to be finally over Get an SOTD (Skin of The Day) @ BS A trip to anywhere with Jenrya Lee EAT SOMEMORE FRIED RICE !! >)
♥` Sugoi Games ♥` Oishii Foods ♥` My Playstation ♥` My Computer ♥` My sotsot modem ♥` My lame handphone ♥` Persona Series ♥` Digimon Series
Things I Hate
X` Homeworks X` Tests & Exams X` S c h o o l X` CHEATER !! X` Copycats X` Ripper X` Myself
Facts About Me
● Im SUPER lazy. I dont even study for my exams.
● I love digimon more than pokemon. Dont ask why.
● My mother was passed away since i was 6. But i still love her.
● I can be a crybaby sometime. But no1 here knows it.
● I eat anywhere and anytime. But i didnt gain much weight.
● I always dreaming whenever i sleep. Even in the afternoon.
● I hate people who gets angry so easily.
● I am changing . And that's because i want to make my father happy.
● Jenrya Lee is my boyfriend, and thats a fact! ;D
Site Name : 「CHERRIEのブログ。」 Site Owner : Cherrie[aka]Aiko Current URL : Site Hoster : Blogger / Blogspot Current Layout : Kuma-ed version 1.0
Site Button :
Site History :
I first blogged at February 2009. I know nothing about layout and stuff. I'm bad at codings and html. My first url was and then changed to
My first layout is a veri simple layout i got from And i dont know anything about classic template. After that my blog was so inactive and somehow dead. At June , i blog again & joined a club for the first time.
It was the BBT Club which is owned by ZengHui. And then i began to blog for real and try to study html and css. And finally created my own blogskin for myself.