:D :D :D
Posted at Tuesday, September 1, 2009 ; 4:43 PM |

YO~~ how are you all? :D
LOLS~ i was sad yesterday. no mood do anything and all. but now im okay already. thanks to all my friends who cheer me up. and thanks to sensei for listening to my lame lame past memories. LOL. ThankYou sooo damn much sensei! LAWLS! =x
by the way, yesterday i also requested 2 icons from Hester's *new* icon site:D
do visit her nicenice icon site! [
these are th icons i requested from her.

hehe. nice right? request some icon frm her! =x
will put her icons in abt me section soon. =)
and i got a gift from xue lin today. yay:D so happy^__^
here it is...
Tagged from Jean. The tag is all about describing yourself. you should describe your self as many as 100 LOL. no bday, age allowed :Dhere i go. =x
1. Lame
2. Stupid
3. Not Smart (LOL?)
4. Forgetful
5. Super Lazy
6. Hates School
7. Hates Homework
8. Hates Math
9. Donwan Sick
10. Donwan to get old
11. Loves to laugh
12. Loves to sleep
13. Loves to blog
14. Loves to online
15. A Persona Addict
16. Loves Killua Zaoldyeck
17. Loves Yosuke Hanamura
18. Loves Her parents to the core
19. Currently dont have a mother
20. Lose her mother since 6 years old
21. Have some lame + sad past
22. Loses a best friend once
23. A crybaby. but no1 knows it =x
24. Wants to learn chinese language
25. Wants to learn japanese language
26. Want more and more friends
27. Cant do anything to help others T_T
28. Suuuuperrrrrrrr Crazy!
29. Get confused easily
30. Cant answer if you ask me "want fried rice or chicken noodle?"
31. Loves to eat fried rice
32. Loves to eat chicken noodle
33. Will help anyone if i can
35. Likes cute guy more than handsome guy
36. Friendly ?
37. Like it to sing
38. Have a terrible voice
39. Dont like it to get up early
40. Scared with something funny like,,FISH!
41. Wants Anime and Game world to be real
42. Changed (maybe)
43. Loves online games
44. Plays audi
45. Plays maple
46. Plays persona2
47. Finished Playing persona3FES
48. Finished Playing persona4
49. Finished Playing .Hack//G.U. (vol.2 and 3)
50. Actually Likes Haseo too =x
51. Finished Playing Radiata Stories
52. Finished Playing Kingdom Hearts 2
53. Thinks that Sora is super cute
54. Finished Playing Atlier Iris 1
55. Finished Playing Ar Tonelico 1
56. Likes Her current layout
57. Wants more followers
58. Wants more cyber friend
59. Hates Rippers Lorts.
60. Hates Copycatter
61. Still have to type 39 more facts
62. Hates Pink years and years ago
63. Likes it now. =x
64. Finished Playing Brigadine
65. Finished Playing Breath Of Fire 4
66. Finished Playing Harvest Moon: Back To Nature
67. Finished Playing Suikoden 2
68. Finished Playing Suikoden 5
69. Finished Playing Spongebob Squarepants: battle for Bikini Bottom
70. Finished Playing Spongebob Squarepants: the Movie
71. Loves Spongebob
72. Loves DumbDumb patrick also
73. Wants more RAM =___=
74. Wants more karma at plurk
75. LOVEEEES my family
77. Wants PS3
78. Wants my family to be happy forever
79. Wants my friend to be happy also
80. Still got to type 20 more facts =__=
81. Wants new keyboard
82. Wants new mouse
83. Wants new speaker
85. Currenly wearing red shirt
86. Havent go bath yet =x
87. Want to be smart! D:
88. Want to be a genius (LOL)
89. WANNA BE RICH!!! D:<
90. Have to type 10 more facts!! woo~
91. Is Actually Dont know what to type anymore!
92. Likes Digimon More Than Pokemon =x
94. Likes Agumon also~
95. Saying "wooooo! 5 more facts!"
96. Wants my brother and my sister to have a BRIGHTTT future:D
97. LALALA~~~~
98. cant wait till its 100!
99. laughs
100. FINISHED ~ >:D
Will tag this
later. BYESSSS:D
Labels: ♥ th_LIFE ♥, clubs, stuffs♥
:D :D :D
Posted at Tuesday, September 1, 2009 ; 4:43 PM |

YO~~ how are you all? :D
LOLS~ i was sad yesterday. no mood do anything and all. but now im okay already. thanks to all my friends who cheer me up. and thanks to sensei for listening to my lame lame past memories. LOL. ThankYou sooo damn much sensei! LAWLS! =x
by the way, yesterday i also requested 2 icons from Hester's *new* icon site:D
do visit her nicenice icon site! [
these are th icons i requested from her.

hehe. nice right? request some icon frm her! =x
will put her icons in abt me section soon. =)
and i got a gift from xue lin today. yay:D so happy^__^
here it is...
Tagged from Jean. The tag is all about describing yourself. you should describe your self as many as 100 LOL. no bday, age allowed :Dhere i go. =x
1. Lame
2. Stupid
3. Not Smart (LOL?)
4. Forgetful
5. Super Lazy
6. Hates School
7. Hates Homework
8. Hates Math
9. Donwan Sick
10. Donwan to get old
11. Loves to laugh
12. Loves to sleep
13. Loves to blog
14. Loves to online
15. A Persona Addict
16. Loves Killua Zaoldyeck
17. Loves Yosuke Hanamura
18. Loves Her parents to the core
19. Currently dont have a mother
20. Lose her mother since 6 years old
21. Have some lame + sad past
22. Loses a best friend once
23. A crybaby. but no1 knows it =x
24. Wants to learn chinese language
25. Wants to learn japanese language
26. Want more and more friends
27. Cant do anything to help others T_T
28. Suuuuperrrrrrrr Crazy!
29. Get confused easily
30. Cant answer if you ask me "want fried rice or chicken noodle?"
31. Loves to eat fried rice
32. Loves to eat chicken noodle
33. Will help anyone if i can
35. Likes cute guy more than handsome guy
36. Friendly ?
37. Like it to sing
38. Have a terrible voice
39. Dont like it to get up early
40. Scared with something funny like,,FISH!
41. Wants Anime and Game world to be real
42. Changed (maybe)
43. Loves online games
44. Plays audi
45. Plays maple
46. Plays persona2
47. Finished Playing persona3FES
48. Finished Playing persona4
49. Finished Playing .Hack//G.U. (vol.2 and 3)
50. Actually Likes Haseo too =x
51. Finished Playing Radiata Stories
52. Finished Playing Kingdom Hearts 2
53. Thinks that Sora is super cute
54. Finished Playing Atlier Iris 1
55. Finished Playing Ar Tonelico 1
56. Likes Her current layout
57. Wants more followers
58. Wants more cyber friend
59. Hates Rippers Lorts.
60. Hates Copycatter
61. Still have to type 39 more facts
62. Hates Pink years and years ago
63. Likes it now. =x
64. Finished Playing Brigadine
65. Finished Playing Breath Of Fire 4
66. Finished Playing Harvest Moon: Back To Nature
67. Finished Playing Suikoden 2
68. Finished Playing Suikoden 5
69. Finished Playing Spongebob Squarepants: battle for Bikini Bottom
70. Finished Playing Spongebob Squarepants: the Movie
71. Loves Spongebob
72. Loves DumbDumb patrick also
73. Wants more RAM =___=
74. Wants more karma at plurk
75. LOVEEEES my family
77. Wants PS3
78. Wants my family to be happy forever
79. Wants my friend to be happy also
80. Still got to type 20 more facts =__=
81. Wants new keyboard
82. Wants new mouse
83. Wants new speaker
85. Currenly wearing red shirt
86. Havent go bath yet =x
87. Want to be smart! D:
88. Want to be a genius (LOL)
89. WANNA BE RICH!!! D:<
90. Have to type 10 more facts!! woo~
91. Is Actually Dont know what to type anymore!
92. Likes Digimon More Than Pokemon =x
94. Likes Agumon also~
95. Saying "wooooo! 5 more facts!"
96. Wants my brother and my sister to have a BRIGHTTT future:D
97. LALALA~~~~
98. cant wait till its 100!
99. laughs
100. FINISHED ~ >:D
Will tag this
later. BYESSSS:D
Labels: ♥ th_LIFE ♥, clubs, stuffs♥
About Me

Often called
cherrie in this Cyberworld, yet some people also call her
aiko. A 15 years old girl who entered this world at
6th October 1994.
Attached to Jenrya Lee.
Loves to play game and slack off everyday and everytime. She
hate pizza, durian, and hamburgers and like it to eat something simple like, friedrice, chicken noodle, and snacks.
Addicted to Persona and Digimon series.
chinese who have spent her entire life at
Hates people who cheats when playing a game and exam/tests.
Cheating is so lame. She's not good at talking.
Just talk much and she will talk much too. But if you keep quiet, she cant say anything also. Absolutely hates studying. And thinks that school sucks to the core. Love webdesigning, blogging, surfing the net, and get new friends.
Dont like copycats, ripper & spammer.

A new Layout for my blog.

Submit more layouts to BS

A Dog and i will name it Kuma

Pass all subject on my exams

Mid-semester exam to be finally over

Get an SOTD (Skin of The Day) @ BS

A trip to anywhere with Jenrya Lee
Those Special Ones
Otou-san ; Dad ♥♥
Okaa-san ; Mum ♥♥
Otouto-chan ; Dodo ♥♥
Imouto-chan ; Mimi ♥♥
Atashi no boifurendo ; Jenrya ♥♥
FSIL ; Madelyn ♥♥
Blanket ; Janice ♥♥
Dearest ; Hester ♥♥
#1 FAN xD ; Maviies ♥♥
Peanut ; Joey ♥♥
♥♥ Watashi no tomodachi ♥♥
Things I Love
♥` Sugoi Games
♥` Oishii Foods
♥` My Playstation
♥` My Computer
♥` My sotsot modem
♥` My lame handphone
♥` Persona Series
♥` Digimon Series
Things I Hate
X` Homeworks
X` Tests & Exams
X` S c h o o l
X` Copycats
X` Ripper
Facts About Me
● Im SUPER lazy. I dont even study for my exams.
● I love digimon more than pokemon. Dont ask why.
● My mother was passed away since i was 6. But i still love her.
● I can be a crybaby sometime. But no1 here knows it.
● I eat anywhere and anytime. But i didnt gain much weight.
● I always dreaming whenever i sleep. Even in the afternoon.
● I hate people who gets angry so easily.
● I am changing . And that's because i want to make my father happy.
Jenrya Lee is my boyfriend, and thats a fact! ;D

Site Name : 「CHERRIEのブログ。」

Site Owner : Cherrie[aka]Aiko

Current URL : http://jenryaxaiko.blogspot.com./

Site Hoster : Blogger / Blogspot

Current Layout : Kuma-ed version 1.0

Site Button :

Site History :
I first blogged at February 2009. I know nothing about layout and stuff. I'm bad at codings and html. My first url was http://cherrie--gal.blogspot.com/ and then changed to http://th-imperfect-gurl.blogspot.com/.
My first layout is a veri simple layout i got from http://pimp-my-profile.com/. And i dont know anything about classic template. After that my blog was so inactive and somehow dead. At June , i blog again & joined a club for the first time.
It was the BBT Club which is owned by ZengHui. And then i began to blog for real and try to study html and css. And finally created my own blogskin for myself.

Site Protection :
The Applause
Designer & Editor :
Yours Truly
Tagboard Skin :
Bear & Bird Image :
Bullets & Preview Box :
Ferny Dust
Tagboard & Music :
Cbox &
Picture and Image Hosting :
TinyPic &